What can I expect during my session?

During these deeply relaxing one-hour sessions, you will lie fully clothed on a comfortable padded table. I rely on pulse listening, body reading and your verbal descriptions to determine what sequential holding patterns will best harmonize your physical and emotional health on any given day. There is no massage or physical manipulation of tissue, and because of Jin Shin Jyutsu's soothing qualities, you may even fall into a dream state.

The number of sessions recommended depends on your health status. If you are suffering from acute physical pain or emotional stresses, you will benefit from more frequent sessions. You might come once or twice a day for multiple days in a row, or twice a week over the span of a few months. If you feel relatively well, you may decide to come once a week or several times a month for tune-ups.

New clients are advised to schedule three to four sessions within a week to allow for habitually imbalanced energetic patterns to shift into more harmonious circulatory states.

“After living with rheumatoid arthritis and asthma for 30 years, and trying everything from prescription meds to various diets, I agreed to try Jin Shin Jyutsu. After our first session, I was amazed. With her gentle touch, Miriam calmly and assuredly decreased my pain…My sessions with Miriam, and her continued guidance and support for my daily self-care, have changed my life from one of disability and pain, to one of regained movement and energy; hope and opportunity.”

- Gretchen