How Will Jin Shin Jyutsu Help Me?

All of us experience some degree of stress and anxiety, and at different stages in your life, you may encounter physical or emotional injury, illness or trauma. Research and studies indicate that individuals who receive consistent sessions report elevated positivity, motivation, calmness and communication effectiveness.

Stress Reduction and Emotional Balance

“I am a practicing psychotherapist and during the past several years I have been learning more about the body-mind connection. My experience with Miriam has left me feeling more in awe of the mysteries of the body, and of Jin Shin Jyutsu's capacity to harmonize and balance one’s physical and mental health. Miriam is a highly skilled and talented practitioner. I would call her a true healer.'‘

- Hasty Hickok, LICSW

Jin Shin Jyutsu helps reset your body’s nervous system and restore it to its natural state of calmness. In-person sessions and easy self-care routines can significantly decrease your anxiety, anger, depression and other stress symptoms that manifest in your body and your thought patterns.

Pain Reduction and Emotional Management

People report that regular Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions and self-care practice results in a cumulative decrease of physical pain, such as muscle aches, arthritis or post-operative pain. Jin Shin Jyutsu also helps people manage chronic health issues like digestive and autoimmune conditions, insomnia and anxiety disorders.

“The deeply restorative power of Jin Shin Jyutsu—its promotion of balance and harmony, of the natural flow of the body’s life forces—has been instrumental in my healing from the necessary savagery of surgery and radiation plus chemotherapy. The work, in a word, is vital.”

- Joyce Rosenfeld

“I suffer from chronic and very painful post-thrombotic syndrome in my left leg. Miriam worked with me for an intensive number of days to help find some relief. Her techniques and skills alleviated much of my pain and associated worry. Miriam also taught me several self-care applications that I use everyday to calm my anxiety over the pain, and the pain itself.”  
