What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Though not well known in the West yet, Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 5000 year-old Japanese health modality that supports the body’s innate ability to balance, repair and sustain itself. It shares similar qualities to acupuncture but practitioners use their hands instead of needles.

Every second thousands of pathways in your body deliver energy in the form of oxygen and nutrients that fuel your ability to breathe and move and live. These circulatory channels function similarly to traffic patterns in a city.

While each road has its own separate identity and purpose, each one also plays an integral role in ensuring the constant movement of traffic. If one or more of these roads become congested, the resulting gridlock can impede vehicular movement in other areas of the city, as well.

The same thing happens in your body. The stresses, traumas or injuries of daily life often obstruct the natural circulation patterns of the vital organ energy functions (heart, lung, liver, etc.). When this occurs, you may experience physical, emotional, or mental pain and imbalance.

The cause of a traffic jam in a city– or in your body – is often located in a completely different area than where the symptoms of the worst blockages manifest. By releasing congestion and fortifying weaknesses, Jin Shin Jyutsu can help restore and strengthen your body’s natural capacity to regain its equilibrium and vitality.

There are 52 Safety Energy Locks
Lung Function Energy Pattern, acupuncture, balance, repair, health, lung
Lung Function Energy Circulation
Stomach Function Energy Circulation