More About Jin Shin Jyutsu

Passed down for generations via oral tradition, the 5000-year-old Japanese healing art known as Jin Shin Jyutsu had slipped into relative obscurity by the early 20th century. At that time, Master Jiro Murai, a descendant of a long line of physicians, researched, resurrected and began teaching the art. 

After World War II, Japanese-American Mary Iino Burmeister studied for many years with Murai in Japan, and once she returned to the U.S. in the 1950s, they continued communicating through letters.

Mary is responsible for bringing Jin Shin Jyutsu’s teachings and practices to the West, and for crafting the lineage's first textbooks, which are based on her correspondence with Master Murai. Today Jin Shin Jyutsu is taught and practiced all over the world.