Miraim Zoll, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Northampton, Massachusetts, Help with chronic pain, emotional pain, illness, improve your life

A friend introduced me to Jin Shin Jyutsu at a time when I was balancing a career in international public health policy, teaching yoga, and raising a family. I became a practitioner after the onset of a serious health issue and its accompanying despair and chronic pain symptoms. Through Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care study, I soon learned that the shooting pains that woke me at 2 a.m. coincided with the circulatory pattern of the liver function energy. If I held certain places on my body, the physical and emotional pain of my illness dissolved and day-to-day living became manageable. 

Jin Shin Jyutsu is as much an energetic modality as it is a philosophical and spiritual one. It lightens the load we all carry on our shoulders and in our minds. If I treat your worries, your digestion and sleep will improve. If I treat your muscle pain, your fears and frustrations will recede. The simple self-care practices I can teach you will give you agency over your  emotional and physical well-being on a daily basis.

Jin Shin Jyutsu recalibrates the unity of your mind and body. It is not well known in the West yet, but I assure you, it  is a powerful life and health tool. I hope you decide to experience it. I look forward to meeting you.

Miriam Zoll, Practitioner